Hey Owl Podders!
We developed this page for those of your curious to know more about what we are up to. If you every have more questions that aren't listed below - please contact us at info@owlpod.ca
Frequently ASked Questions
No Show/Cancellation FAQ
Why is there a late cancellation/no show policy?
At Owl Pod we want to continue to provide free access to mental health support. Unfortunately, late cancellations and no shows create a missed opportunity for patients to receive care and increase the length of time for patients on the waitlist to start care.
Our physicians will call you using a blocked number, it is important to ensure that your phone is allowing these calls to go through. If your physician is unable to reach you this will be considered a no show.
Fees for late cancellations and no shows:
Individual sessions: $200 for no shows and cancellations made less than 72 hours in advance.
We require a credit card number on file through the Jane platform for no show and late cancellation fees. The no-show will be applied to your missed/canceled appointment and your credit card will be charged within 72 hours.
Outstanding balances will be required to be paid prior to rebooking further appointments.
2. What if I missed my appointment due to an emergency?
We understand that there are emergency reasons for having to cancel an appointment. Please notify us and we will discuss this on a case by case basis.
3. Do other clinics require credit cards on file for cancellations/no shows?
Many healthcare providers such as medical/dental clinics, massage therapy clinics, and physiotherapy offices require a credit card on file.
4. Do I have to leave my credit card information to be a patient at this practice?
Yes. This is our policy and it is a growing trend in the healthcare industry.
5. How do you safeguard the credit information you keep on file?
Credit card information will go through the Jane platform which is an online platform for health and wellness professionals. Per Jane’s website: “No credit card data is stored in Jane. When you enter credit card information into Jane, Jane creates and keeps a token that can be used to reference that information. But the actual sensitive information is sent to and stored within our payment partner Stripe, which holds the highest security certification in the industry.”
6. What's that odd, small charge on my credit card?
Per Jane’s website: “You may see a $1 or less “pending” charge on your credit card or bank statement when your card is added to your file. This is a temporary authorization charge which is used to ensure the card provided is valid and able to accept charges. These authorizations will drop off the card statement after a few days and may appear as long as 7 business days.”
Group Counseling FAQ
1. Can I self-refer to Owl Pod Group Therapy?
No, we require a referral from a Physician or Nurse Practitioner.
2. What does group therapy look like?
Groups will consist of 10 participants for 5 sessions every 1-2 weeks. Each session will be 2 hours long and facilitated by Owl Pod physicians/facilitators to help guide conversations.
3. Which groups will be available?
Weight management
In the future we may add on:
Emotional regulation
Caregiver Support
4. Are Groups Co-Ed?
At this time groups are Co-Ed. Groups may be facilitated by male or female physicians.
5. Can I be in individual and group counseling at the same time?
You can do both group and individual counseling at the same time but we recommend that the frequency of your individual sessions be no more than once a month as you will be meeting weekly for group.
6. I’m worried about seeing someone I know in the group. What do I do if that happens?
It is possible that you will see someone you know in group. If this happens, please reach out to your group facilitator so that you can discuss any worries that you have and work with them on the best course forward for you. No contact/demographic information will be shared in group, as per the consent/confidentiality form which all participants are required to sign and agree on prior to starting.
7. What does a typical group session look like?
Each session usually consists of group discussions and a short presentation by the facilitator on skills and topics relevant to the group. Members are welcome to bring any issues to the group they feel are important, and the primary focus of therapy in the group is on the interactions among group members.
8. What platform will virtual group therapy be on?
We will use Zoom Healthcare which is HIPAA compliant. It is required that you can participate on Zoom with a camera that is functional. Your camera must be on during the group session (unless otherwise discussed with your facilitator).
9. Do I have to reveal all my deepest secrets and feelings to the group?
No, you do not. You decide how much you want to share. Most group members tend to share more about themselves when they feel safe in the group. While we recognize that sharing can sometimes be uncomfortable, we also know that people will get more out of the group if they discuss their feelings and experiences.
10. What if I’m too shy and not able to talk as much as the other group members?
Most individuals feel some anxiety when first starting group. Group leaders will help initiate conversation and to discuss whatever anxiety the group may be feeling. We will also have breakout rooms in which the group will be in smaller groups of approximately 3 people to practice certain skills.
11. How many people are in a typical group?
Most groups have 10 patients and 1-2 group leaders.
12. Can I be in multiple groups at the same time?
You can only do one group at a time.
13. Can I join another group after completing one group?
Yes, you can but you will be added to the waitlist (if there is a wait list) until there is an opening to the next group of your choice.
14. Can I do the same group again after completing it?
Yes but you will be put on the waitlist to return to it if there is a wait list.
15. Do I have to attend every session of the group?
We would recommend you do try to attend every session but if you cannot make a session please let us know at info@owlpod.ca at least 24 hours in advance.
16. Is What I Say Kept Confidential?
All group members are expected to respect the confidentiality of the group. Group members are asked to make a commitment to protect each other’s confidentiality. We cannot guarantee absolute confidentiality (since we cannot control the behavior of group members within private chats). There are ethical and legal exceptions to confidentiality in cases of child abuse, concerns of suicide/homicide, and court-ordered disclosure.
17. What Will Be Expected of Me as a Group Member?
Each group may establish its own ground rules, but here are some general guidelines that are important:
Regular attendance is essential for establishing group cohesion and commitment.
We expect you to have your camera on during group sessions
Be considerate about sharing speaking time with others
Talk about what is bothering you as openly and honestly as you can.
18. Won’t listening to other people’s problems make me feel worse? I’m worried that my problems aren’t as bad as others, or might be worse.
Many people have this worry about attending group therapy. Generally, hearing about other people’s struggles is helpful, as it reduces the feeling that you are alone in what you’re struggling with. In some cases hearing others speak about certain experiences can be triggering depending on your own prior experiences. If this occurs you will be able to message the group facilitator privately and they will redirect to another topic.
Individual Counseling FAQ:
​1. Can I self-refer to Owl Pod?
No, we require a referral from a Physician or Nurse Practitioner.
2. How many sessions can I have and how long do they last?
There is no maximum number of sessions. Sessions are usually 45-60 minutes every 3-4 weeks but can vary depending on physician availability and patient needs.
3. Do you offer in person sessions?
No, we are a virtual clinic only.
4. Do you prescribe medications?
We do not prescribe medications but we can contact your Family Physician to discuss medications if needed.
5. Do you do legal forms or Disability/Insurance forms?
We do not complete these forms but we can provide your referring Physician with information such as number of sessions completed and the specific focus of the sessions to help them with the completion of these forms.
6. Do you do assessments for ADHD or other Mental Health conditions?
We are not a diagnostic clinic. If you or your Family Physician are looking for diagnostic clarity then we recommend a referral to Psychiatry.
7. Do I have to pay for your services?
No, our sessions are covered by Alberta Health as long as you have a valid Alberta Health card. However, show and late cancellation fees must be paid personally, please see the no show and late cancellation FAQ tab.
8. What kind of training do Family Physicians have in Mental Health counseling?
Family Physicians often provide counseling within their practices and this is often an important component of Family Medicine training programs. For example, one of the key outcomes for graduates of the University of Calgary’s Family Medicine program is to be able to provide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and the Mental Health block is the most substantial block within the program in terms of hours and integration. Physicians also often seek out additional training in other areas of Mental Health counseling as part of continuing medical education.
9. Do I have to have Alberta Health Coverage?
Yes, you need valid Alberta Health Coverage to be a patient at Owl Pod.
10. What platform do you use for booking appointments and storing data?
We use JaneApp which is HIPAA compliant.
11. Are there referrals you do not accept?
We do not see patients below the age of 16. We also do not accept referrals for UNSTABLE Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Borderline Personality Disorder, PTSD, and Substance Use Disorder. Please discuss with your referring provider to assess your stability if you have the conditions listed above.
12. What if I am in a crisis?
We are not an emergency service. Please refer to the Crisis Lines available in the contact information at the bottom of every webpage on this site or go to your local Emergency Department if you are in an emergency.